Yes, JH! Love, not fear and threats.
White Waves
JoinedPosts by White Waves
Interesting Numbers
by mckay inthis is a letter i recently sent to my jw kids.
i thought the facts interesting:
...are you keeping up with the average?
Anyone do Charity work?????
by whyamihere inthere is a few things that i am involved in, and have been for quite sometime.
i feel that it is important to raise my children in this type of environment, so that they see outside of the box, and not be so closed minded on our surroundings.
many are in need, and it is easy to close our eyes and forget.. my main charity work will always benefit children.. this weekend i have gathered many things from my house such as kids clothes, shoes, jackets...and i bought many blankets, cook ware, along with money etc... this will all go to easter seals.
White Waves
I volunteered at area animal shelter for a while - guilt (JW induced and programmed) is still a factor. I would love to work with Habitat for Humanity or another hands-on project.
White Waves
This is my belief too. I keep arguing this with family and 2 ex-jws. I never received unconditional love growing up - I was told it was what I was receiving but it wasn't. It's actually CONDITIONAL. I finally realized (experienced) the difference. Conditional is control. Conditional is no trust. Biggest thing that pulled me out is the realization only non JWs have given me UNconditional love.
Lets say you went to a meeting, list what would irritiate you...
by JH in.
in my case, it was always the length of the meetings that bothered me.. no matter what meeting it is, you have to get there prepared, and that means lots of time reading the darn literature.. another thing that would irritate me, is all the magazines that come in faster than i can read.. i'll let you guys add to this list.. .
White Waves
mrsjones5 I know this will happen to me too. It is the same reason I will not give my family the satisfaction of my attending the memorial. If I go to just one meeting to be nice, they will tell their buddies one thing and they will believe I am weakening NO MATTER WHAT I SAY. I will just restart the battle. I want the conflict to fade, like me in the org. I want them to just accept it and accept me. I haven't even discussed JW stuff with any of them for at least a year. They compare notes and I get bombarded by strings of calls and emails. Their ability to create false hope is endless. -
Interesting Numbers
by mckay inthis is a letter i recently sent to my jw kids.
i thought the facts interesting:
...are you keeping up with the average?
White Waves
So true, Zeroday!! When a person is in want of God, they will search him out. JWs practice interrupting people's lives (door 2 door, etc.) and hoping to get you on a really shitty day or crisis and suddenly be best friends sent by God by a miracle. What miracle?? Honestly, I don't know many JWs that even want to actually study with someone. It is just another thing the feel guilty about. I mean, already 4 days are shot each week goint to mtgs and service... do I need to add another?? One of my sisters and her husband are a "Pioneer Couple" and they have never in 10 years of pioneering and studying with people got anyone to the point of baptism (yeah!). What a depressing, wasted effort AND they believe!!
Last Resting Place of Charles Taze Russell
by Dr Jekyll ini was doing a bit of research for the apostate team that's going to circumcise the top of russell's pyramid by taking its top off and making off with it.
checking out some maps of the location i fired up google earth.
for those of you who want to see this do the following make sure you have "google earth community (unranked)" ticked on the left hand side in the layers section.
White Waves
The masons probably just wanted to be closer to Charlie so they build the temple next door.
I'm so angry!!!!!!
by lola28 inwell it looks like my plan to fade might not work after all.
yesterday afternoon i was in my office when two elders stopped by for a visit.
they came into my job and began to question me in front of my boss and my new assistant!
White Waves
Dont' know if this answers your question for proof... want more - maybe give me specific questions. Another thing - I only know of 1 DA and that was at least 20 years ago. Very shocking at the time because I never heard of it before that. I've been told that it's not my choice to do that by 3 congs and numerous elders... See from this site that is bull. Must be a local thang... They gotta keep the power maybe.
Last Resting Place of Charles Taze Russell
by Dr Jekyll ini was doing a bit of research for the apostate team that's going to circumcise the top of russell's pyramid by taking its top off and making off with it.
checking out some maps of the location i fired up google earth.
for those of you who want to see this do the following make sure you have "google earth community (unranked)" ticked on the left hand side in the layers section.
White Waves
Is this really it? It looks like the Free Masons built this one - like the symbol on the US $1... I'd love to know what all that crap on it means.
Looking for pic. C.T. Russell in a Santa Clause Hat
by inbyathread ini've seen one somewhere but haven't a clue to where.
if anyone can direct me to a link, i'd appreciate it.. thanks.
White Waves
Loved the link! My Auntie found an old family film reel and turned into a DVD. It's all holiday gatherings of my Dad's earlier days. Got to see Elder father dancing around in a Santa suit and smoking cigarettes. I heard Dad was soooo pissed when Auntie surprised my JW family by popping it in the DVD Player and he saw himself... Wish I had been there for that one. Least I was in on the set up :)